A Naked Manifesto

Whereas nakedness isn’t just for showers and sex,

Whereas nakedness is not at all a sexual act or invitation,

Whereas nakedness is in no way shameful or indecent,

Whereas nakedness is completely compatible with spiritual and religious discipline,

Whereas nakedness is ecologically and psychologically beneficial,

Whereas nakedness is safe for most work environments,

Whereas nakedness is not ugly but beautiful, and

Whereas nakedness is for everyone who hungers for the joy of openness and intimacy and freedom,

Therefore we, the undersigned, demand that all laws relating to “Indecent Exposure” or “Public Indecency” or the like be made null and void.

We demand that naked people be guaranteed all the civil rights and liberties already acknowledged for people of any race, gender expression or religious, political or sexual affiliation, and that these rights be made clear in our federal, state and local statutes.

We further demand that acts of violence or harassment resulting from hatred of nakedness be recognized in all our statutes as hate crimes and hate speech.

Respectfully submitted, etc.

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